
We have an enticing collection of children’s books and resources in our library which is located at the front entrance of the school. Children use the library with their teachers on a regular basis, and we are delighted to be able to share our collection with our children and families.

Books and resources may be browsed and borrowed at the following times:

  • Tuesday AM – 8:30am to 9am & 11:30am to 12pm
  • Tuesday PM – 12:30pm to 1pm & 3:30pm to 4pm
  • Thursday AM – 8:30am to 9am & 11:30am to 12pm
  • Thursday PM – 12:30pm to 1pm & 3:30pm to 4pm

Children may borrow up to 2 books at a time.

Books and resources may also be browsed at any time through our online library system.


If your child takes the bus to/from school they will be able to access the library borrowing facilities on their classes allocated library days. If you would like your child to borrow a specific book please send an email to your chlid’s class teacher.

 Click here to browse our library catalogue


We have developed a range of Story Sacks that are available to parents for use at home with children.

A Storysack is a large cloth bag containing a favourite children’s book with supporting materials to stimulate language activities and make reading a memorable and enjoyable experience. Storysacks are a fun way for parents and children to share stories together. They were developed as a popular, non-threatening way of encouraging parents to start to share stories with their children in a way that is positive, theatrical, special, interactive and fun.

Storysacks will help develop and improve your child’s reading skills and encourage a life-long love of reading.

Each item in the storysack has been carefully chosen to offer a multi-sensory approach to the sharing of books and will make reading fun for both parents and children. To bring the book to life, soft toys of the main character, props relating to items in the story, a non-fiction book related to the fiction theme and a language game based on the book are included. Additionally a card of ideas is inserted, suggesting to parents ways they may develop listening, reading and writing skills using contents of the story sack.

When you use a Storysack with your child, you help your child to:

  • Love stories and reading.
  • Talk and extend vocabulary.
  • Read for meaning.
  • Extend general knowledge.
  • Develop social skills.
  • Improve confidence and stimulate an interest in books and stories.
  • Have fun with words and learning activities.
  • For further information about our Story Sacks, please contact Ms Claire Harper (Library Coordinator)